Vivek is an Associate Editor of NFRAL and a Partner at Allen & Gledhill Singapore. Vivek’s areas of practice are international arbitration and dispute resolution with a focus on India.
Before joining Allen & Gledhill in 2014, Vivek was Deputy Registrar and Head (South Asia) at the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC), where he was responsible for SIAC’s case management team. Additionally, he also headed SIAC’s India initiatives and its first overseas office in Mumbai. As part of SIAC’s case management team, Vivek administered and handled over 100 Singapore seated arbitrations including emergency arbitrations, appointments of arbitrators and India related arbitrations. Vivek was in private practice in India before joining SIAC, with a senior counsel in the Supreme Court of India and thereafter, in the dispute resolution team of a top-tier Indian law firm in Delhi.
Vivek is a regional representative of the ICC Young Arbitrators’ Forum (YAF) Committee for South-East Asia and a member of the Reserve Panel of Arbitrators of SIAC.